Subject: Lake of Fire Sent: 4/29/96 8:10 AM Received: 4/29/96 7:19 AM From: To: Derrick, Meat Puppets guitar lines on the internet - what a wonderful idea. Here's my first contribution, the fairly simple 'Lake of Fire':- GGG FF G GGG then bend up the G and B strings of the A bar chord on the third fret (i.e. C major), back down to G GGG FF A#, CCC FF G So its like.. Where do bad folks go when they die, they don't go-to-heaven where the G G G F F G G G G (c-bend) angels cry, they go to the Lake of Fire in the sky, don't see 'em G G G G F F A# C C C again til the 4th of July F F G Then an instrumental bit with;- GGG FA# G, D chord shimmered at 10/5/7 frets (I think - I'm writing this at work without my guitar so I'm having to guess the fret numbers). Really shake the bottom two strings for the true Kirkwood effect... Then the 'verse' bit is something like;- I knew a lady who came from Duluth, she got bit by a dog with the D minor A# jazz chord D minor rabid tooth, she went to her grave, a little too soon, and A minor D minor A# jazz blah blah blah blah on the other moon (forgotten the words there) C jazz D Minor Then back to GGG FF G, etc etc. When I say jazz chord, I'm sure theres a proper name for it, but its basically the A bar chord with the finger on the B string removed - a very popular Meat Puppets chord. I hope this makes sense to someone, any comments/mail welcome at the following address;- To come;- Swimming Ground, Confusion Fog, Lost and more, once I get a chance to write them down. Peter Nixon London, England.